Dear: want to make u as a special friend of mine i 'am leaving it to you to decide what u want to be with me which a are as fallows:-
AF - A friend
BF - Boy friend
CF - Close friend
DF - Dear friend
EF - Ever friend
FF - Familiar friend
GF - girl friend
HF - Helping friend
IF - Innocent friend
JF - Jovial friend
KF - Kind friend
LF - Lovely friend
MF - Merry friend
NF - Naughty friend
OF - Only friend
PF - Personal friend
QF - Quiet friend
RF - Rare friend
SF - Special friend
TF - Thick friend
UV - Understanding friend
VF - Valuable friend
WF - Wonderful friend
XF - Xcellent friend
YF - Youth friend
ZF - Zeal friend
Which One Uuuuuuu Select for our Friendship reply is must...plz. I'm ready to accept ur what so response is i'ld be eage.