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Tell a Friend

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

ABCD of friendship...

A: accepts you as you are..

B: believes in you

C: calls you just to say "hi"

D: Does not give up on you...

E: Envisions the whole of you..

F: Forgives your mistakes..

G: Gives uncondionally

H: helps you

I: invites you over

J: just likes to be with you..

K: keeps you close at heart

L: loves for who you are

M: makes a difference in ur life

N: Never judges you..

O: offers support

P: picks up when you are down

Q: quiets ur tears

R: respects you

S: says nice things abt u

T: tells you the truth when u need to hear it

U: understands you

V: values you

W: walks besides you

X: xplains things u don't understand

Y: yells you that how important is you in life

Z: Zaps you when u are e

- LoveNismi (Ansh Rav)