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Showing posts with label National. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National. Show all posts

Friday, August 6, 2010

list of our progressive states & cities

I have a list of our progressive states and cities

The most corrupt state: New Delhi (Corruption is taught @ the Age of 10 here) Hence children's cheat their own parents most here in the North..

The most Violent State: Jammu & Kashmir

The Most Lazy state: Himachal

The Most Educated state: Kerala

The most Devoted State: Chennai

Neighbors pride owners envy state: Andhra

Determined state: Bangalore

Colourful state: Goa

The most Vibrant: Gujrat

Raw materials State: Bihar

Confused State: Haryana

Green State : Punjab.

No Mans Land: Nagaland

State run by the Bureucrats only : U.P

Silent State: Orissa

Dead State: West Bengal :-) [?]

Wet State: Arunachal

Anonymus state: Manipur

Foreign state: Pondicherry, tripura, Meghalaya (none of he youngsters are aware of these states as part of india (sic)

Warriors state: Maharashtra

Disciplined state: Madhya Pradesh

Simple state: Rajasthan

- Love Nismi                                 Give Comment

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Facts about Water

70% of our body is filled with water. In diseased states where body water is affected, the compartment or compartments that have changed can give clues to the nature of the problem. Body water is regulated by hormones such as anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide. Try to get the best drinking water possible. Check out some facts about the water you're drinking.

1. Air is not completely clean, the food we eat may have insignificant amounts of toxic, the products that we use on our skin and hair are also toxic. Water removes the dangerous toxins that are added into our body.

2. Water cushions our body joints.

3. Water acts as a transport for oxygen and nutrition throughout the cells in the body.

4. Water helps regulate body temperature.
5. Water helps prevent blood pressure from dropping to critical levels.

6. Water helps to defend against blood clots.

7. Water encourages bowel movement.

8. Water helps the normal kidney function from getting impaired.

9. Water keeps us from getting excessively dry skin.

10. Water lowers incidence of urinary tract infections.

11. Water also helps us from experiencing reoccurring headaches.

12. Water also helps alleviate fevers.

13. Hydrotherapy is the therapeutic use of hot / cold water externally to problems.

14. Hot water stimulates the immune system.

15. Hot water is also used to increase the body's flow. Imagine coming home from a hard day's work and soaking yourself in a bathtub for an hour. When you get up, your body will feel more relaxed and stressed than before. Professional athletes will usually take a steam bath or relax in a whirlpool after a rigorous training session.

16. Cold water reduces inflammation. Ice pack reduces swelling.

17. A cold water sitz bath is used to treat constipation, irregular vaginal discharge, hemorrhoids.

18. Spa treatments using alternating hot and cold water improve upper respiratory problems, congestion, foot infections, and headaches.

- Love Nismi                                 Give Comment

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Start Each Day

1. Start Each Day with a Creative State of MinD

As you open your eyes to greet the new day, spend the first few minutes thinking of the things that bring you the most happiness and comfort. It can be your family, your faith, or a special goal or project you have set for yourself.

In addition, spend a couple of brief moments thinking about the most exciting thing that happened to you yesterday. Savor this experience and allow the feelings to spill over into the new day.

Create a picture in your mind of how you want the day to unfold. Visualize it clearly and attractively in your mind. Imagine the people you want to meet, the things you want to accomplish or experience, and the fun you want to enjoy. Then, no matter the problems or obstacles you encounter, keep this mental snapshot with you and refer back it to when needed.

2. Begin Conditioning Your Mind for a Good Day, Every Day

Just like what we pay attention to grows, we also become what we think. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, A man is what he thinks about all day long.

So the question becomes how can we learn to develop the right kind of thoughts to get the most out of each and every day? It begins with starting your day with positive thoughts. Then it becomes very important to condition you mind to keep doing this. Consider the following:

Practice letting go of fear or any other self-limiting thought that keeps you from achieving what you want to have in your life. Practice replacing the negative thoughts in your mind with more positive ones. Fill your mind with what you want to have; not what you want to avoid. In fact, say aloud what you want. Allow your mind, and heart, to hear it. Surround yourself with positive people and activities. Attempt to avoid, or at least ignore, those folks and things that are toxic for you.

Walk the talk: Be positive. Say nice things “ and really mean them. Start each day with a prayer or a special request. You will be surprised how often you receive what you ask for when you condition your mind to focus on the positive.

3. Understand Every Day is a Gift

Make it a goal, a priority, to appreciate each and every day. Too often we get caught-up with planning and scheduling our lives, but not living our lives. Make a list, right now, of all of the things you want to see or do in your life.

Use this day to pick an item from the list and perform one action that will move you closer to achieving it. Confidence builds and motivation soars when we use our days to move forward to fulfilling our heart's desire. Today is a gift we have been given. Allow this day to live within your heart. Allow this day to move you closer to your life's purpose and passion.

4. Keep Your Emotions Under Control

Exerting your control is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when it comes to your emotions. The controlled person is a powerful person. He or she who always keeps their head will get ahead. I’ve seen numerous people ruin their whole day because of the lack of emotional control.

Pay attention to the times when you begin to emotionalize rather than to think. When you feel your emotions begin to trump logic, stop and regroup. Sit quietly and think: What would a logical and rational person do in this situation? You will get your answer if you pay attention and keep listening.

5. Do One Thing, Every Day, to Feel Healthier There is a mind - body connection. It is difficult to have a good day when you do not feel well mentally or physically. Besides going to the doctor for check-ups and the like, there are emotional, mental and spiritual things you can do each day. Here are a few ways to begin feeling healthier today and every day:

Think health, not sickness. Remember, what you think about grows. Stop looking for things to go wrong with your health or body. Instead, think positively about your physical health. Mental images tend to reproduce themselves.

Attempt to free your mind of ill thoughts and attitudes. Learn to replace ill will with goodwill to create a healthier state of mind. The relationship between the mind and its influence on your physical conditions is significant. Purge your mind of resentment, frustrations and anger and you will release tensions that only exacerbate physical illness. Make one deliberate choice each day regarding what you eat and drink. Opt for water instead of a diet cola, for example. Go with the salad for your combo meal instead of the French fries. Add up every reason for being happy, thankful and healthy. Also, add up reasons for your health and happiness. You will be surprised at how many reasons you will find. Place these reasons in your reserve tank and tap into them when you feel your energy getting low.

6. Give More Than You TakE

It is our responsibility to have a good day and to resist the temptation to surrender or simply give up. Just as we expect great things from Life; Life also expects great things from each one of us. Think of your life as a bank savings account. Your job is to make meaningful deposits of love, grace and kindness every day. Your focus should not be in how much interest you are earning, but rather how many deposits you are making There will be come a day, however, when you will need to make a withdrawal. By giving more than you take, you will have all the resources necessary to receive what you need; when you need it the most

7. Finish the Day Strong

It is important how we begin the day; it is also important how we end the day. Begin it right, live it right, think it right and end it right “ and you can have a good day every day. At the end of each day, imagine there is a large balloon in your stomach filled with all of the day,s activities. Practice feeling the sensation of releasing the air in this balloon and with it, all of your responsibilities. Allow your mind to rest while your body rests and feel the day's tensions drift away. As your drift off to sleep tonight, count your blessings and name them, one by one. Acknowledge them and give them life. When you do, these same blessings will be waiting for you tomorrow ready to help you get the most out of the new day.


- Loveable Poet                          Give Comment

Sunday, May 2, 2010

100 Simple Ways 2 Be Positive

01. Call an old friend, just to say hi.

02. Hold a door open for a stranger.

03. Invite someone to lunch.

04. Compliment someone on his or her appearance.

05. Ask a coworker for their opinion on a project.

06. Bring cookies to work.

07. Let someone cut in during rush hour traffic.

08. Leave a waitress or waiter a big tip.

09. Tell a cashier to have a nice day.

10. Call your parents.

11. Let someone know you miss them.

12. Treat someone to a movie.

13. Let a person know you really appreciate them.

14. Visit a retirement center.

15. Take a child to the zoo.

16. Fill up your spouse's car with gas.

17. Surprise someone with a small gift.

18. Leave a thank-you note for the cleaning staff at work.

19. Write a letter to a distant relative.

20. Tell someone you thought about them the other day.

21. Put a dime in a stranger's parking meter before the time

22. Bake a cake for a neighbor.

23. Send someone flowers to where they work.

24. Invite a friend to tea.

25. Recommend a good book to someone.

26. Donate clothing to a charity.

27. Offer an elderly person a ride to where they need to

28. Bag your own groceries at the checkout counter.

29. Give blood.

30. Offer free baby-sitting to a friend who's really busy or just needs a break.

31. Help your neighbor rake leaves or shovel snow.

32. Offer your seat to someone when there aren't any left.

33. Help someone with a heavy load.

34. Ask to see a store's manager and comment on the great service.

35. Give your place in line at the grocery store to someone who has only a few items.

36. Hug someone in your family for no reason.

37. Wave to a child in the car next to you.

38. Send a thank-you note to your doctor.

39. Repeat something nice you heard about someone else.

40. Leave a joke on someone's answering machine.

41. Be a mentor or coach to someone.

42. Forgive a loan.

43. Fill up the copier machine with paper after you're done using it.

44. Tell someone you believe in them.

45. Share your umbrella on a rainy day.

46. Welcome new neighbors with flowers or a plant.

47. Offer to watch a friend's home while they're away.

48. Ask someone if they need you to pick up anything while you're out shopping.

49. Ask a child to play a board game, and let them win.

50. Ask an elderly person to tell you about the good old

51. During bad weather, plan an indoor picnic with the

52. Buy someone a goldfish and bowl.

53. Compliment someone on their cooking and politely ask for a second helping.

54. Dance with someone who hasn't been asked.

55. Tell someone you mentioned them in your prayers.

56. Give children's clothes to another family when your kids outgrow them.

57. Deliver extra vegetables from your garden to the whole

58. Call your spouse just to say, I love you.

59. Call someone's attention to a rainbow or beautiful

60. Invite someone to go bowling.

61. Figure out someone's half-birthday by adding 182 days, and surprise them with a cake.

62. Ask someone about their children.

63. Tell someone which quality you like most about them.

64. Brush the snow off of the car next to yours.

65. Return your shopping cart to the front of the store.

66. Encourage someone's dream, no matter how big or small it is.

67. Pay for a stranger's cup of coffee without them knowing it.

68. Leave a love letter where your partner will find it.

69. Ask an older person for their advice.

70. Offer to take care of someone's pet while they're

71. Tell a child you're proud of them.

72. Visit a sick person, or send them a care package.

73. Join a Big Brother or Sister program.

74. Leave a piece of candy on a coworker's desk.

75. Bring your child to work with you for the afternoon.

76. Give someone a recording of their favorite music.

77. Email a friend some information about a topic they are especially interested in.

78. Give someone a homemade gift.

79. Write a poem for someone.

80. Bake some cookies for your local fire or police department.

81. Organize a neighborhood cleanup and have a barbecue

82. Help a child build a birdhouse or similar project.

83. Check in on an old person, just to see if they're

84. Ask for the recipe after you eat over at someone's

85. Personally welcome a new employee at work and offer to take them out for lunch.

86. While in a car, ask everyone to buckle up because they are important to you.

87. Let someone else eat the last slice of cake or pizza.

88. Stop and buy a drink from a kid's lemonade stand.

89. Forgive someone when they apologize.

90. Wave to someone looking for a parking space when you're about to leave a shopping center.

91. Send a copy of an old photograph to a childhood

92. Leave a pint of your spouse's favorite flavor of ice cream in the freezer with a bow on it.

93. Do a household chore that is usually done by someone else in the family.

94. Be especially happy for someone when they tell you their good news.

95. Compliment a coworker on their role in a successful

96. Give your spouse a spontaneous back rub at the end of the day.

97. Serve someone in your family breakfast in bed.

98. Ask someone if they've lost weight.

99. Make a donation to a charity in someone's honor.

100. Take a child to a ballgame.

- Loveable Poet                          Give Comment

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

India Needs A Leader Like This


Prime Minister John Howard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.

Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'

'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, Indian citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON

to as much as Indians you know

- LoveNismi (Ansh Rav)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

यदि बिल गेट्स बॉलीवुड फिल्में बनाने लगें तो उनकी फिल्मों के नाम कैसे होंगे ?

जरा इन नामों पर गौर फरमाएं -

1. Hang To Hona Hi Tha !!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Meri Disc Tumhare Paas Hai
3. Aao Chat Kare
4. Programmer No.1
5. Mera Naam Developer
6. Java Wale Job Le Jayenge
7. Hum Apke Memory Mein Rehte Hein
8. Do Processor Baarah Terminal
9. Tera Code Chal Gaya
10. Har Din Jo Mail Karega
11. Network Ke Us Paar
12. Debugging Koi Khel Nahi
13. Jish Desh Mein Bill Gates Rehta Hai
14. Raju Ban Gaya MCSE .!
15. Client Ek Numbari Programmer Dus Numbari
16. Login Karo Sajana
17. Naukar PC Ka
18. 1942 -- A Bug Story
19. Kaho Na Virus Hai
20. Crash Se Crash Tak
21. Haan Maine Bhi Debug Kiya Hai
22. Password De Ke Dekh

- LoveNismi (Ansh Rav)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

What is 'Governance System

What is 'Governance System’?

As a daily habit Pintu was reading newspaper.

Suddenly he asked his father, “Dad! What does it mean by 'Governance System?"

“It’s like...” father said while thinking, “See! I earn and bring money to home, mean's I am a 'Money Holder'. Your mother decides where and how to spend that money and that means she is 'Government'. That maid in our home is doing all the household works, so she will be 'Labour Class'.

You are a 'Common man' or 'Public'. Your kid brother is 'Future' or the 'Next Generation', understand?”

That day Pintu slept with all those thoughts. In the middle of the night he woke-up because his kid brother was crying. He wetted the matrices so he was crying. Pintu went to woke-up his mother. She was in deep sleep so Pintu went to the Maiden's room to wake her up. But there his father was sleeping with the maid. So he came back with frustration.

Next morning father asked Pintu, “Hey Pintu Darling! You understood the
'Governance System'? ".

Pintu replied, “Yeah Dad, I understood! When money Holder is exploiting Labour Class, our Government is sleeping. Future of our nation is crying for not getting their basic needs fulfilled and in all this Common Man is suffering!"

- LoveNismi (Ansh Rav)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Daily Quran For my muslim friends

Daily Quran & Hadith
Al Qur'an
To Allah belongeth
all that is in the heavens and on earth.
Whether ye show what is in your minds
or conceal it,
Allah Calleth you to account for it.
He forgiveth whom He pleaseth,
and punisheth whom He pleaseth,
for Allah hath power over all things.
{Surah Al Baqara ~ Ayah 284}
Narrated Ghailan(R): Anas (Allah be pleased with him) said:
You people do (bad) deeds (commit Sins)
which seem in your eyes as tiny (minute) than hair
while we used to consider those (very deeds)
during the life-time of the Prophet as destructive Sins.
-LoveNismi ( Ansh Rav )

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mera Bharat Mahaan???

Dear All,
Just think once & act.
Salary & Govt. Concessions for a Member of Parliament (MP)
Monthly Salary : 12,000
Expense for Constitution per month : 10,000
Office expenditure per month : 14,000
Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km) : 48,000 ( eg.For a visit from kerala to Delhi & return: 6000 km)
Daily DA TA during parliament meets : 500/day
Charge for 1 class (A/C) in train: Free (For any number of times) (All over India )
Charge for Business Class in flights : Free for 40 trips / year (With wife or P.A.)
Rent for MP hostel at Delhi : Free
lectricity costs at home : Free up to 50,000 units
Local phone call charge : Free up to 1 ,70,000 calls.
TOTAL expense for a MP [having no qualification] per year : 32,00,000[i.e . 2.66 lakh/month]
TOTAL expense for 5 years : 1,60,00,000
For 534 MPs, the expense for 5 years :8,54,40,00,000 (nearly 855 crores)
This is how all our tax money is been swallowed and price hike on our regular commodities...
And this is the present condition of our country:
855 crores could make their life livable !!
Think of the great democracy we have..............
STILL Proud to be INDIAN
I know hitting a delete button is 2 press fwd button 2 make people aware of it!
And after all this............. MERA DESH MAHAAN or should be say MERE NETA MAHAAN….
- LoveNIsmi ( Ansh Rav)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why is it necessary for ordinary Muslims to speak up?

Eid Mubarak!

Why is it necessary for ordinary Muslims to speak up?

Every Muslim is as much a citizen of India as anyone else and definitely does not have to defend either the Muslim community in India or Islam.

Nevertheless, it is important to make people of other communities realize that Muslims too are angry a) about terrorists spoiling the image of Islam, and b) as well as maybe somehow conveying that there is some Muslim sympathy (not support) for their attacks.

So when an ordinary Muslim citizen does not speak up:

1. It increases the perception gap and emotional distance between them and other communities

2. It does not strengthen the Government's resolve to take suitable action against terrorist networks, both internally and internationally

3. It does not convey clearly and unequivocally to Muslims in other countries that Muslims in India are proud of being Indians, of living in India and of India itself, as one of the most secular countries in the world, not withstanding lots of problems, including inter-community problems.

There is clearly a lack of leadership today in India, and I feel that it is the ordinary Muslim who can spur the creation of a new leadership for the country by uniting the country even more strongly, by expressing this view and by showing that we are all one and the same Indian.

Furthermore, I would be interested in also hearing what the ordinary Pakistani has to say.

I am absolutely not interested in hearing the opinions of religious or political or high-profile social leaders, because their opinions are already available. I am also not interested in any quote from the Quran, because it is very clear in my mind that the Quran cannot advocate or support such activity.

For any issue where a group carries out a (negative) action, either by claiming they have done it on behalf of their religion, or it appears that they have done it on behalf of their religion (including Hindus, Christians, etc.), I think it is extremely important for ordinary citizens of that religion to speak out strongly about their own true opinions.

- Ram Niraula

- LoveNismi ( Ansh Rav)

Sachin Tendulkar History

  • Recent Records..... ......... ..(and they continue)

1. Highest Run scorer in the Test Cricket
2. First Cricketer to pass 12000 run in the Test Cricket

  • Records Held by Sachin Tendulkar

1. Highest Run scorer in the ODI
2. Most number of hundreds in the ODI 41
3. Most number of nineties in the ODI
4. Most number of man of the matches(56) in the ODI's
5. Most number of man of the series(14) in ODI's
6. Best average for man of the matches in ODI's
7. First Cricketer to pass 10000 run in the ODI
8. First Cricketer to pass 15000 run in the ODI
9. He is the highest run scorer in the world cup (1,796 at an average of59.87 as on 20 March 2007)
10. Most number of the man of the matches in the world cup
11. Most number of runs 1996 world cup 523 runs in the 1996 Cricket World Cup at an average of 87.16
12. Most number of runs in 2003 World Cup - 673 runs in 2003, highest by any player in a single Cricket World Cup
13. He was Player of the World Cup Tournament in the 2003 Cricket World Cup.
14. Most number of Fifties in ODI's 87
15. Appeared in Most Number of ODI's 407
16. He is the only player to be in top 10 ICC ranking for 10 years.
17. Most number of 100's in test's 38
18. He is one of the three batsmen to surpass 11,000 runs in Test cricket, and the first Indian to do so
19. He is thus far the only cricketer to receive the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India's highest sporting honor
20. In 2003, Wisden rated Tendulkar as d No. 1 and Richards at No. 2 in all time Greatest ODI player
21. In 2002, Wisden rated him as the second greatest Test batsman after Sir Donald Bradman.
22. he was involved in unbroken 664-run partnership in a Harris Shield game in 1988 with friend and team mate Vinod Kambli,
23. Tendulkar is the only player to score a century in all three of his Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy and Irani Trophy debuts
24. In 1992, at the age of 19, Tendulkar became the first overseas born player to represent Yorkshire
25. Tendulkar has been granted the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, Arjuna Award and Padma Shri by Indian government. He is the only Indian cricketer to get all of them.
26. Tendulkar has scored over 1000 runs in a calendar year in ODI's 7 times
27. Tendulkar has scored 1894 runs in calendar year in ODI's most by any batsman
28. He is the highest earning cricketer in the world
29. He has the least percentage of the man of the matches awards won when team looses a match... Out of his 56 man of the match awards only 5 times India has lost.
30. Tendulkar most number man of match awards(10) against Australia
31. In August of 2003, Sachin Tendulkar was voted as the "Greatest Sportsman" of the country in the sport personalities category in the Best of India poll conducted by Zee News.
32. In November 2006, Time magazine named Tendulkar as one of the Asian Heroes.
33. In December 2006, he was named "Sports person of the Year
34. The current India Poised campaign run by The Times of India has nominated him as the Face of New India next to the likes of Amartya Sen and Mahatma Gandhi among others.
35. Tendulkar was the first batsman in history to score over 50 centuries in international cricket
36. Tendulkar was the first batsman in history to score over 75 centuries in international cricket:79 centuries
37. Has the most overall runs in cricket, (ODIs+Tests+ Twenty20s), as of 30 June 2007 he had accumulated almost 26,000 runs overall.
38. Is second on the most number of runs in test cricket just after Brian Lara
39. Sachin Tendulkar with Sourav Ganguly hold the world record for the maximum number of runs scored by the opening partnership. They have put together 6,271 runs in 128 matches
40. The 20 century partnerships for opening pair with Sourav Ganguly is a world record
41. Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid hold the world record for the highest partnership in ODI matches when they scored 331 runs against New Zealand in 1999
42. Sachin Tendulkar has been involved in six 200 run partnerships in ODI matches - a record that he shares with Sourav Ganguly and Rahul Dravid
43. Most Centuries in a calendar year: 9 ODI centuries in 1998
44. Only player to have over 100 innings of 50+ runs (41 Centuries and 87 Fifties)(as of 18th Nov, 2007)
45. the only player ever to cross the 13,000-14,000 and 15,000 run marks IN ODI.
46. Highest individual score among Indian batsmen (186* against New Zealand at Hyderabad in 1999).
47. The score of 186* is listed the fifth highest score recorded in ODI matches
48. Tendulkar has scored over 1000 ODI runs against all major Cricketing nations.
49. Sachin was the fastest to reach 10,000 runs taking 259 innings and has the highest batting average among batsmen with over 10,000 ODI runs
50. Most number of Stadium Appearances: 90 different Grounds
51. Consecutive ODI Appearances: 185
52. On his debut, Sachin Tendulkar was the second youngest debutant in the world
53. When Tendulkar scored his maiden century in 1990, he was the second youngest to score a century
54. Tendulkar's record of five test centuries before he turned 20 is a current world record
55. Tendulkar holds the current record (217 against NZ in 1999/00 Season) for the highest score in Test cricket by an Indian when captaining the side
56. Tendulkar has scored centuries against all test playing nations.[7] He was the third batman to achieve the distinction after Steve Waugh and Gary Kirsten
57. Tendulkar has 4 seasons in test cricket with 1000 or more runs - 2002 (1392 runs), 1999 (1088 runs), 2001 (1003 runs) and 1997 (1000 runs).[6] Gavaskar is the only other Indian with four seasons of 1000+ runs
58. He is second most number of seasons with over 1000 runs in world.
59. On 3 January 2007 Sachin Tendulkar (5751) edged past Brian Lara's (5736) world record of runs scored in Tests away from home
60. Tendulkar and Brian Lara are the fastest to score 10,000 runs in Test cricket history. Both of them achieved this in 195 innings
61. Second Indian after Sunil Gavaskar to make over 10,000 runs in Test matches
62. Became the first Indian to surpass the 11,000 Test run mark and the third International player behind Allan Border and Brian Lara.
63. Tendulkar is fourth on the list of players with most Test caps. Steve Waugh (168 Tests), Allan Border (158 Tests), Shane Warne (145 Tests) have appeared in more games than Tendulkar
64. Tendulkar has played the most number of Test Matches(144) for India (Kapil Dev is second with 131 Test appearances).
65. First to 25,000 international runs
66. Tendulkar's 25,016 runs in international cricket include 14,537 runs in ODI's, 10,469 Tests runs and 10 runs in the lone Twenty20 that India has played.
67. On December 10, 2005, Tendulkar made his 35th century in Tests at Delhi against Sri Lanka. He surpassed Sunil Gavaskar's record of 34 centuries to become the man with the most number of hundreds in Test cricket.
68. Tendulkar is the only player who has 150 wkts and more than 15000 runs in ODI
69. Tendulkar is the only player who has 40 wkts and more than 11000 runs in Tests
70. Only batsman to have 100 hundreds in the first class cricket No wonder he makes us proud, not just the Indians, but all cricket lovers worldwide!

- Romeo Bagga

- LoveNismi ( Ansh Rav)

Editor Mumbai (Times of India)

Dear Mr. Prime minister
I am a typical mouse from Mumbai. In the local train compartment which has capacity of 100 persons, I travel with 500 more mouse. Mouse at least squeak but we don't even do that.

Today I heard your speech. In which you said 'NO BODY WOULD BE SPARED'. I would like to remind you that fourteen years has passed since serial bomb blast in Mumbai took place. Dawood was the main conspirator. Till today he is not caught. All our bolywood actors, our builders, our Gutka king meets him but your Government can not catch him. Reason is simple; all your ministers are hand in glove with him. If any attempt is made to catch him everybody will be exposed. Your statement 'NOBODY WOULD BE SPARED' is nothing but a cruel joke on this unfortunate people of India.

Enough is enough. As such after seeing terrorist attack carried out by about a dozen young boys I realize that if same thing continues days are not away when terrorist will attack by air, destroy our nuclear reactor and there will be one more Hiroshima.

We the people are left with only one mantra. Womb to Bomb to Tomb. You promised Mumbaikar Shanghai what you have given us is Jalianwala Baug.

Today only your home minister resigned. What took you so long to kick out this joker? Only reason was that he was loyal to Gandhi family. Loyalty to Gandhi family is more important than blood of innocent people, isn't it?

I am born and bought up in Mumbai for last fifty eight years. Believe me corruption in Maharashtra is worse than that in Bihar. Look at all the politician, Sharad Pawar, Chagan Bhujbal, Narayan Rane, Bal Thackray , Gopinath Munde, Raj Thackray, Vilasrao Deshmukh all are rolling in money. Vilasrao Deshmukh is one of the worst Chief minister I have seen. His only business is to increase the FSI every other day, make money and send it to Delhi so Congress can fight next election. Now the clown has found new way and will increase FSI for fisherman so they can build concrete house right on sea shore. Next time terrorist can comfortably live in those house , enjoy the beauty of sea and then attack the Mumbai at their will.

Recently I had to purchase house in Mumbai. I met about two dozen builders. Everybody wanted about 30% in black. A common person like me knows this and with all your intelligent agency & CBI you and your finance minister are not aware of it. Where all the black money goes? To the underworld isn't it? Our politicians take help of these goondas to vacate people by force. I myself was victim of it. If you have time please come to me, I will tell you everything.

If this has been land of fools, idiots then I would not have ever cared to write you this letter. Just see the tragedy, on one side we are reaching moon, people are so intelligent and on other side you politician has converted nectar into deadly poison. I am everything Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Schedule caste, OBC, Muslim OBC, Christian Schedule caste, Creamy Schedule caste only what I am not is INDIAN. You politician have raped every part of mother India by your policy of divide and rule.

Take example of former president Abdul Kalam. Such a intelligent person, such a fine human being. You politician didn't even spare him. Your party along with opposition joined the hands, because politician feels they are supreme and there is no place for good person.

Dear Mr Prime minister you are one of the most intelligent person, most learned person. Just wake up, be a real SARDAR. First and foremost expose all selfish politician. Ask Swiss bank to give name of all Indian account holder. Give reins of CBI to independent agency. Let them find wolf among us. There will be political upheaval but that will better than dance of death which we are witnessing every day. Just give us ambient where we can work honestly and without fear. Let there be rule of law. Everything else will be taken care of.

Choice is yours Mr. Prime Minister. Do you want to be lead by one person or you want to lead the nation of 100 Crore people?

Prakash B. Bajaj

Chandralok 'A" Wing,

Flat No 104 97

Nepean Sea Road

Mumbai 400 036

Phone 98210-71194

- LoveNismi ( Ansh Rav)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pls never use this medicine - MUST READ

Just, check whether this medicine is in our home or whether it has recommended by our doctor.... pls do not use it..

Please Read Very Carefully


India has become a dumping ground for

banned drugs;

also the business for

production of banned drugs is booming. Plz make sure that u buy drugs only

if prescribed by a doctor(Also, ask which company manufactures it, this

would help to ensure that u get what is prescribed at the Drug Store) and

that also from a reputed drug store. Not many people know about these banned

drugs and consume them causing a lot of damage to themselves s. We forward

Jokes and other junk all the time. This is far more important.

Please Make sure u forward it everyone u knows.


The most common ones are action 500 & Nimulid.


cold and cough. Reason for ban : stroke.

Brand name : Vicks Action-500


This is a pain-killer.

Reason for ban: Bone marrow depression..

Brand name: Novalgin


Acidity, constipation.

Reason for ban : irregular heartbeat

Brand name : Ciza, Syspride



Reason for ban : Irregular heartbeat.

Brand name : Droperol



Reason for ban : Cancer.

Brand name : Furoxone, Lomofen


Painkiller, fever.

Reason for ban : Liver failure.

Brand name : Nise, Nimulid


Antibacterial cream.

Reason for ban : Cancer.

Brand name : Furacin


Reason for ban : Cancer.

Brand name : Agarol


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Reason for ban : Bone marrow depression.

Brand name : Sioril

PIPERAZINE: Anti-worm s.

Reason for ban : Ne rv e damage.

Brand name : Piperazine



Reason for ban : Damage to sight.

Brand name : Enteroquinol

- Ramu Garg

- LoveNismi (Ansh Rav)